пятница, 22 ноября 2019 г.

2020 career trends

Corporate Culture and Socially Responsible Business

In the near future, we will see the growth of a socially responsible business, which seeks to increase profits by promoting the rational and economical use of resources, simultaneously solving social, ethical and environmental issues.

Companies will strive not only to increase the indicator of loyalty (everyone who knows about the company and wants to work in it), but also to increase the indicator of involvement. For this, companies will actively speak and promote corporate values ​​to the masses and build warm partnerships with employees: encourage initiatives, open information about the state of business and the company as a whole, relax together, take care of employees' health, comfort and come up with other goodies.

Active will be the promotion of a positive atmosphere within the team and the socially significant brand through PR media, conferences, lectures. After all, sharing knowledge and experience is not at all scary for business: nobody will most likely be able to catch you, because you started earlier.
Remote work, mobile technology

Despite the growing popularity of remote work and flexible schedules, many employers still do not trust the new trends and prefer to control employees. But those who will shift the focus on labor productivity, rather than the amount of time spent at the workplace, will increasingly master mobile technologies for remote work and design workstations so that the employee can work comfortably from anywhere in the office.

Remote work can be effective for completely different areas of work and the size of companies - from giant corporations to small private structures. But, nevertheless, not for all industries. Those who are in contact with customers and are engaged in production, still can not afford it.
Increase the amount of information processed by recruiters

Changes are also coming in the selection of personnel - the emphasis is shifting to friendly recruiting (avoiding tricky issues) and new approaches to processing a large amount of information. But at the same time, recruiters will conduct impulsive and spurring hiring campaigns, expecting a worthy response from candidates.

Many new communication channels with candidates increase the reach of the audience: on the one hand, recruiters have a choice and the opportunity to convey information to a large number of potential candidates in one click. But there is a flip side to the coin: a sharply increasing number of applications, appeals and resumes that need to be considered, sorted and which need to be answered.

Therefore, the emphasis will shift to multimedia hiring: video appeals to future candidates, video summaries, video interviews. This format is well remembered and saves time.
Focus on employees with HiPo

The demand will remain for techies who are associated with Internet technologies and speak at least one of the programming languages, for WEB designers, for working professions and for humanities who would competently pack and sell everything that techies would do.

Also, recruiters will prey on candidates with high potential (High Potential) - proactive, developing a personal brand, proactive, talented, energetic, skillfully working with soft skills, while teamwork.

On average, HiPo make up from 2% to 5% of the entire audience. HiPo understand that you can make money in different ways and often go to a specific job in order to enjoy it. Therefore, there are already a lot of HiPo in consulting, which is considered a very interesting job.

Interest in employees with high potential has a very material explanation:

    So fast changes are taking place in the business that only talented managers can adapt it to all changes.
    In the banking sector, interest in HiPo awakens as access to public funding becomes more difficult.
    Industrial companies are also forced to seek domestic resources to rely on them in times of crisis.

Online education

Being educated today is in fashion, and online education is a trend that will only develop. Instead of sitting on a student bench at the age of 40, you can find the right resource and study at any time convenient for you. In addition, if desired, you can find many programs of reputable universities, both domestic and foreign. Consider developing constantly and not spending a lot of money.

It may seem to some that this is not just a trend, but a reality. Yes, only for a small number of Ukrainian companies (mainly those who work with foreign investments). But the business of Ukraine will strive for such career trends. Will we wait or contribute to change?

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