пятница, 22 ноября 2019 г.

How to get a job when not enough qualifications

Prove to your employer that you can solve company problems

The situation in the labor market is actually like this: diplomas, certificates and other papers are important in some industries - for example, in medicine or law. In other areas, the requirements for a future employee are sometimes surprisingly flexible. And this is a sin not to use.

If you prove to the future employer that you can solve his problem, your certificates will cease to play such an important role. That is how Raghav Haran received job offers that required a candidate's degree or years of experience.

Start doing work before you get it - create a “project for an interview.” A simple example: if you are applying for a job as a designer, try developing a new design for the company you want to work for and explain to the employer why you made certain decisions when creating the project.
“Project for an interview”

Four steps with which you can make a “project for an interview” and bring it to your ears.
Step 1: Limit your search to a few vacancies that interest you most

This is not such a quick process as sending resumes to many companies. But more effective. Remember the three rules when looking at job offers:

    If you are a little short of the number of years of experience - this is normal. If only not too many years. For example, with experience per year, you can get a job that requires three years. But the one that requires seven years is hardly possible.
    If your level of education is lower than declared in the vacancy, this is normal. But not only if it comes to vacancies requiring professors of science.
    Make sure you can really do the job. You may not have the right papers, but you must have the skills.

If you find 3-5 such positions, go to the second step.
Step 2: Understand What You Will Do In This Work

If you understand what is expected of you at a new job, it will be easier for you to make a suitable “project for an interview”. To do this, you will need a job description. Determine that your future responsibilities do not require internal company information to which you do not yet have access, and follow through.
Step 3: Make a separate project for each company you want to get a job with

So you can show specific employers that you can solve their problems.
When our hero submitted a resume for the position of a product development specialist, he tested the company's products, based on the results, created design proposals and sent them to the company. Such developments allowed Raghav to get interviews at large companies like Quora and Airbnb, and Shutterstock created a position specifically for him.
Step 4: Send the project to the company

To do this, you need to find the right person who will pay attention to your achievements.

If you send a project to a small company, you can directly contact the general director or the head of the department you are interested in. You can reach them through social networks or mail.

Template example:

Hello [name]!
My name is [your name], and I noticed that you are looking for an employee, and became interested in your vacancy. I thought it would be useful [here is a brief description of your project] to show my interest and value to the company.
[Submit your project]
A little about yourself: [a small description of your experience that will help you get a job: 2-3 sentences]
Thank you for your attention, I hope to hear an answer about further actions!
Yours faithfully,
[Your name]

If you send the project to a large company, it is more difficult. It’s better to get an interview first. When sending a resume, in a cover letter it is worth writing that you have such a project ready, and send it to someone who will communicate with you when hiring you for some time before the appointed date.

Here is a template for this case:

Hello [name]!
[Employee Name] reported that [date] we have scheduled an interview for [vacancy] in the company.
[submit project]
I decided that it is better to send the project now if you want to discuss it at an interview (and if this is acceptable, of course).
Thanks for attention. Regards [your name]

“Whenever I followed the above steps, the interview went super-smooth, and in most cases I was hired,” Raghava Harana admits.

“But it does not work in my field! My area is different! And in general, everything is not so in Ukraine! ”You say. This is just human behavior. People want their problem to be resolved, so they prefer to hire someone who is already working on it. Just try it. It works.

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